View Grid

User Story

As a [user], I want to be able to view a list of items, so I can find a single item or multiple items to either take action on or view.

I’ll know this is done when:

  • I can view a list of items in a default order as specified by the system.
  • I can view the fields by column in a header that will always be above the values.
  • I can view the values each column by the proper alignment.
    • Text items are aligned left.
    • Numeric values are aligned right.
    • Date values are aligned right.
  • I can sort the list by a specific field associated with the items in a specific order.
    • Ascending or Descending: A to Z / Z to A for text values non-dependent on case.
    • Ascending or Descending: 0 – 9 / 9 – 0 for numeric values.
    • Ascending or Descending: 00/00/0000 for dates.
  • I can view a single item by selecting a hyperlink within a row of the item.
  • I can select multiple items to take action on.
  • I can paginate through items in specific intervals.
  • I can navigate to the start of the list.
  • I can navigate to the end of the list.
  • I can customize the pagination interval to specific ranges.
  • I can customize the fields that are displayed.

Typical Representation

A table that includes:

  • A header.
  • A scrollable list of items.
  • Pagination.
  • A method to customize that pagination.